Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Close the Window

(O'Brien, 38-39)

"Young, yes and politically naive, but even so the American war in Vietnam seemed to me wrong. Certain blood was being shed for uncertain reasons . I saw no unity of purpose, no consensus on matters of philosophy or history or law....Knowledge, of course, is always imperfect, hut it seemed to me that when a nation goes to war it must have reasonable confidence in the justice and imperative of its cause....I was too good for war."

This section captures what I believe would be my attitude if I was drafted for a war. During this time, education new ideas of peace and diplomacy were growing, and with the unclear motives for war, the distaste to serve is understandable. I think that if a war draft occurred today, even more resentment would occur. The opportunity to go to school and have a career has grown these past few decades and serving in a war would take prime years away from this goal. The drive to serve in order to have a purpose for life is decaying. Additionally, it seems that politically issues are become too complex and irrational to simply be solved with war. This nation would have issues bonding under one set of politically ideals to fight under. Hopefully a draft or large war will not happen anytime soon.

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