Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Bit of Earth

(O'Brien, 173)

"The field was still there, though not as I remembered it. Much smaller, I thought, and not nearly so menacing and in the bright sunlight it was hard to picture what had happened on this ground some twenty years ago. Except for a few marshy spots along the river, everything was bone dry. No ghosts- just a flat grassy field. The place was at peace."

Unlike the human race, the earth and nature has the ability to simply move on. Whether there is death, success, or hardship, nature will forgive, forget, and move on. The human race is constantly fighting nature by claiming ownership and trying to overcome natural response. We fight to have more than we would ever need and reject the call to live in community. Human focus has become more materialistic and revolving on personal needs. Doing so seems to have resulted in our inability to forgive or move on. Sometimes, people simply need to let go, and thankfully Tim finds peace in this scene as he gives final goodbyes to Kiowa. Finding peace simply requires being as humble as the earth and forgiving what cannot be redone.

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