Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Blinded Culture

(Frankenstein, Mary Shelley)

" Now is the time! Save and protect me! You and your family are the friends whom I seek. Do not you desert me in the hour of trial!"
"Great God!" exclaimed the old man. "Who are you?" At that the cottage door opened and Felix and Safie and Agatha entered. Who can describe their horror and consternation on beholding me?" (129)

Literary Term: Theme

This unfortunate scene portrays a powerful theme of the work: the effects of physical judgement. A major contribution of the creature is the displaying of the reactions to his physical being. From his "birth" when Victor repudiates (vocab word!) the creature from his sight to the multiple scenes of fear and fainting, it is evident that the horror of the creature's looks destroy any chance of his acceptance. This theme is the vanity of sight and the unjust human action of judging others; the creature does not deserve such harsh and stubborn reactions. This theme is further produced in the character of Safie, who learns language and lifestyle just as the monster does, yet is accepted and cherished solely because she is a beautiful, normal human. Do to this rejection, the monster becomes evil and bitter and kills many, and all his actions are the responsibly of Victor. Werther or not Victor should have created a mate for the creature is not importance, rather the focus should be his lack of responsibly of his relationship with his creation. He never tries to to the moral and just action of taking care of the monster, and this downfall leads to Victor's doom. Victor shouldn't receive any sympathy from this story, rather he should be criticized for his lack of responsibly and unjust judgement.

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