Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Flavors of Characters

(Interpreter of Maladies, Lahiri)

This story contains many types of characters represented in this story. Mr Das is a static character; he never diverges from his guidebook. He remains oblivious (or acts oblivious) to his wife's lack of compassion and family and never develops past his obnoxious and prideful state. In contrast, Mr. Kapasi is a dynamic character and undergoes much change within the story. He transforms from a lifeless and mundane interpreter to dreaming of being a lover and questioning his lifestyle. These two characters are foil characters. Mr. Kapasi receives Mrs Das' care unlike Mr Das in addition to the various culture and lifestyle differences. These characters do have something in common: attention for Mrs Das, a nice round character. Mrs. Das displays many characteristics throughout the story: selfish, zoned-out, soul-gushing, amused by family, compassionate to bastard son, and reserved. The various types of characters in this story create a story of realistic ideas and relate to the theme of unhappiness and dreaming of the future.

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