Thursday, October 7, 2010

...I Wanna Hold Your Hand..

("Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night", Thomas)

Honestly I first reaction I had with this poem was a connection to the latest Glee episode. Call me a geek for referencing to English class or a gleek for watching the show, but the two medias are quite similar. The following clip is a song sung by a grief-struck son who simply doesn't want to lose his father who is sick in the hospital. He wants to return to a time of comfort and ease, displayed in the song "I Wanna Hold your Hand" a cover of the Beatle original.

Both the poem and the video clip express a similar emotion: to fight death and to find comfort here on Earth. Both hold tones of anguish and sadness and describe their fathers with honor and love. The poem also captures feelings of confusion and pain shown through the many paradoxes, as the son wishes for the saving of his father. These examples of family love and bond are remarkable. All children should be thankful for what parents they have and strive to maintain good relationships with their parents, who in turn should show support and love to their children.

1 comment:

  1. Blast. I tried to watch the clip, but Fox has taken it down. Drat.
