Wednesday, November 17, 2010

All the World's a Stage...

("Miss Brill", Mansfield)

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players" ~William Shakespeare

This well-known quote defines this short story. Miss Brill describes her Sunday activities of people watching and compares it to a play. She has given a role to each person and watches with passion. She even goes as far as to become an actress herself, and includes herself into the lives of those around her. I think this action truly describes this story: Miss Brill wanting to be part of something, to feel needed. Productions and acting, like many other activities, always a group of people to become a close-knit group. yet acting allows more than that; acting allows the chance to become anyone and to overcome flaws and issues. The "acting" of Miss Brill not only gives her the feeling of being needed, but it also gives her the chance to become more. She transforms into a beautiful women wearing a milk coat simply observing the awe-inspired community. Acting allows her to escape, away from being alone, away from rude young couples, and away from feeling unwanted.

The following video is of a goofy bunch of kids preforming the scene from which the quoted line comes from. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Check out Emma Schutte's blog, which references a Weezer song that references the same Shakespeare line.

    Can't anyone think of something original?!
