Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Please Mr Postman

(Jacob) I did not see Brett again until she came back from San Sebastian. (Hemingway, 76)

This book holds so much contrast to today's world. Honestly I cannot imagine having someone just leave without a trace for weeks without contact. It simply is less possible today, and in a way the world has "gotten smaller" as a result of modern transportation and communication. Most people check their email, phone, facebook, etc at least once a day (some people even "crave" emails). I can't judge whether this is a good or bad thing; however, I think in terms of friendships and relationships more methods to communicate are better. World War I could have been way different for the young friends and lovers if they could communicate more easily. Now its no picnic for military people and families today, but its better than before. The following video is a song reflecting how vital communication is, especially in the military. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. it looks like you posted this entry twice (one time without the clip)
