Monday, February 28, 2011

La Vie Boheme...

(A Raisin in the Sun, Hansberry)

The following is a clip from the movie version of the play Rent. The scene is focused on the aspects and evidence of the artistic ideas and new ideals: "La Vie Boheme". [Warning: This clip contains many crude comments and mature material, view with discretion.] This clip captures the passion of dreams and desires for equality of A Raisin in the Sun through the declaration of pride against the discriminatory image of society (the business men). Whether it be civil rights or gay-rights, both A Raisin in the Sun and Rent call for a change through an expression of courage, dignity, and pride. While A Raisin in the Sun lacks the crude and catchy music of Rent, both pieces boldly display this desire for change. There is complete honestly of opinion and conviction of Momma's family that will lead to the equality that needs to occur, despite the burning glares of society and stress of money and position. These works are computable in that both have the dreams, passion, and a call out to Langston Hughes in both!

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