Thursday, January 20, 2011

Drats! Foiled Again!

(Othello, Shakespeare)

Character analysis focus: Cassio and Roderigo

Upon the completion of Act III, the characters of Cassio and Roderigo have developed into unique and important characters. These characters are foil characters, with the strongest difference being their relationship with Desdemona. In Act I, Roderigo has been marked as a past rejected suitor for Desdemona; by the last scene he is torn by grief and pain as Desdemona is whisked away by Othello. Desdemona doesn't ever just to talk to him or seem to have any expressed feelings for him at this point. In contrast Desdemona holds friendship and conversation with Cassio; Act III begins with with Desdemona fighting for Cassio's honor and name. However, unlike Roderigo, Cassio doesn't hold revealed feelings for Desdemona, rather he wishes to please Othello and to maintain his title.
Additionally, Cassio and Roderigo have other minor differences. Cassio is a well-educated, polite, and young individual. Roderigo is also young and he is quite rich, but he has a rash and explosive nature. These characters use this foil nature to intensify the affairs and relationship with Desdemona. Also these differing characters are needed to complete Iago's plans.

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